Perineal Salve (2oz)
A topical salve designed to reduce pain and inflammation, while healing your entire bottom, perineum and vaginal area in the days and weeks after delivery. Also, heals cesarean incisions.
This is your go-to product for faster and more complete healing of your most sensitive parts following delivery (see below for the full story)
Accelerates healing and reduces scarring of your cesarian incision
Reduces the irritation caused by menstrual pads postpartum
All Organic Ingredients: Sunflower Seed Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Bees Wax, Comfrey Leaf, Marshmallow Root, Calendula Flower, Comfrey Root, Aloe Vera Powder, Shea Butter, Cacao Butter
Directions: Apply liberally and gently to your caesarian incision or all sore parts of your bottom, vagina and everything in between. Use several times per day, including right before bed
This product has been trusted by midwives and mothers everywhere for over 10 years
Our View Of Postpartum Recovery
Unfortunately, very little attention is paid to postpartum recovery, leaving women feeling unsupported during what is often the most challenging part of the journey to motherhood. Your health and recovery are vital for providing the highest quality of care to your infant, which is why we’ve created a number of products that support your healing during critical this time.
Yes, birth is a natural process, but that doesn’t mean it’s not traumatic for your body. You are swollen, sore, bruised and may even have stitches. Healing your entire perineum and vaginal area (or even your cesarian incision) in the days and weeks following birth is key to your overall well-being. Whether you had a vaginal birth or cesarean birth, this salve will bring an amazing amount of healing to help you Repair Down There.
How It Works
Comfrey, one of the main ingredients in Repair Down There, is known as the “knitter and healer of wounds, tissues and bones.” It has been proven to accelerate and improve recovery from pain, inflammation and tissue damage in countless clinical trials.
Comfrey is also a demulcent which is a fancy way of saying it forms a soothing film over tissue, relieving inflammation and creating the basis for healing. When the salve is applied liberally, by gently smoothing it onto all of your sore parts, you will feel the benefits in a very short time.
Marshmallow Root is another key ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties. It is known to stimulate a "vital reflex" which instructs the body to moisten the mucous membranes around infected areas to support healing. In addition, it has been proven through numerous clinical studies to effectively combat infection from various strains of bacteria including strep and staph2.
With the help of Comfrey, Marshmallow Root and a number of other plant-based ingredients, this salve relieves and heals as it decreases inflammation. We promise that in a few short days of use you’ll feel amazing results.
Using Menstrual Pads Postpartum
Menstrual pads are a necessary but painful part of the recovery process. Pads rub your skin and dry out your tissue, and often times are required for weeks after your birth instead of the days of use during your regular menstrual cycle.
When you apply the salve several times a day it will keep your skin from getting irritated by the pads, all while accelerating the healing process.
Cesarian Birth Recovery
This salve works just as well at healing caesarian incisions after birth. The wound from the birth takes time to totally heal, so a gentle massage over the area will support deep healing for the whole lower abdominal area.
Apply liberally and gently onto all parts of your underside (bottom, perineum, vagina) and anywhere that is sore as often as needed following childbirth.
Further Reading
One of the factors that contributes to the need for substantial perineal and vaginal healing postpartum is vaginal tearing during the pushing phase of labor. Some tearing, especially during your first birth, can be common. However, there are a number of simple , yet effective techniques that can be used during your delivery to help minimize the severity. If you’re interested in learning more, we wrote an entire blog post about how to minimize vaginal tearing and recover from it postpartum. Check it out here.