Mineral Salt Soak (24oz)
A blend of five salts from unique regions of the earth. Each chosen for its unique mineral content and ability to nourish your entire body.
Increases circulation, alkalizes the skin and body, reduces pain, heals damaged tissue, relaxes muscles and improves sleep
Supports natural detoxification while nourishing cells, bones, nerves, muscles and vital organs
Helps women during and after pregnancy, easing discomfort and accelerating healing
Provides supplemental Magnesium, a critical mineral for optimal functioning and fetal development
Contains over 84 trace minerals sourced from the Himalayas, Dead Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and France
Each package contains enough salts for (14) 1/4 cup baths
See below for the full story on the benefits of salt soaks and what makes our blend different from the rest
The skin is the largest organ of the body and has a unique ability to absorb, filter and deliver trace minerals. Soaking in our high mineral salt increases circulation and supports natural detoxification while nourishing cells, bones, nerves, muscles and vital organs. Salt soaks are also a widely beneficial form of selfcare before, during and after pregnancy.
We’ve prescribed salt soaks in our midwifery and maternal health practices for many years. There are numerous reasons to take salt baths at any stage of life, but here’s a few of the main ones:
Relaxation and calming
Increasing circulation and blood flow
Supporting better sleep
Hydrating the skin
Alkalizing your body and tissues
Relieving sore muscles and cramps
Reducing inflammation
Preventing headaches
Our Salt Blend is Different
We’re not in the business of knocking the competition. But, one of the problems with many salt soaks is that they overly rely on Epsom Salt.
Epsom Salt is not a naturally-occurring salt. It’s manufactured in a lab, typically, in China. Lab-based production means that its mineral content will be significantly lower than that of salts found in nature, and therefore less beneficial for health and healing.
Our salts, including Dead Sea, Himalayan, and French Grey are sourced from ancient salt fields around the world where harvesting techniques have been in practice for hundreds of years, and tremendous care has been taken to minimize impurities. Their ancient origins ensure the highest potential trace mineral content making them tip-top for health and healing.
For a deep dive into the individual salts that make up our blend, check out this blog post.
The Impossible-to-Overstate Importance of Magnesium
Magnesium is involved in over 325 enzymatic reactions in the bones, heart and brain and in every cell of the body. Unfortunately, it’s estimated that only one third of American adults aren’t receiving their recommended daily amount of Magnesium, making it one of the most common nutritional deficiencies1. Magnesium is an essential mineral for health, and salt soaks are a fantastic way to replenish it.
Magnesium has also been found to be extremely helpful during pregnancy. Supplementation has been shown to decrease the probability of occurrence of many complications including preterm weight, low birth weight and preeclampsia2.
We recommend supporting your dietary Magnesium intake through a supplement or drink (like Calm, for example) as well as via mineral salt soaks.
Baths & Pregnancy
Unfortunately taking baths during pregnancy has been avoided by some women in recent years due to all of the warnings that they can unsafely raise core body temperatures. However, this is not supported by any body of research and makes little sense given that for thousands of years baths have been the only way for humans to remain clean. But, you don’t have to take our word for it…
Earlier this year a scientific review of 12 different studies showed that taking a hot bath does not raise the body temperature to dangerous levels. The literature suggests that women should not raise their internal body temperature above 102F3. Consider the last time you had a fever that raised your temperature to 102. That’s significant and far higher than any comfortable bath could ever get your temperature.
So, if you’re pregnant, treat yourself to regular baths for all of the reasons listed above.
Postpartum Recovery
After your birth you are sore. No matter how natural the process of birth is, it’s a physical ordeal to pass a baby though your body. In the case of a cesarean birth the physical trauma is even greater, making this form of selfcare useful for a full recovery.
When you are ready, a mineral bath is a way to nurture the body back from the physiological impact of giving birth. Magnesium is essential to relax, detox, circulate, absorb necessary minerals to your tissues and restore your body.
Add 1/4 - 1/2 cup of salts (depending on the size of your tub), fill the tub, swishing the bath water to dissolve the salts, relax in the warm water.
Organic Ingredients
Dead Sea Salt, Magnesium Chloride, Himalayan Salt, Mediterranean Salt, French Grey Salt, MSM Flakes, Natural Sodium Bicarbonate