The Benefits of Belly Massage During Pregnancy


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What is Belly Massage?

Belly Massage (also known as Abdominal Massage) is a non-invasive, gentle and personal massage that has benefits in pregnancy and beyond. It supports the daily changes of the body and the growing baby inside you. As a midwife working in western Colorado over 30 years this was one of the most effective and healing modalities for pregnancy and postpartum health. Belly massage was part of every prenatal and postpartum visit. 

The Benefits of Belly Massage

  • Increased Blood Flow: Belly massage increases blood flow to your digestive and reproductive organs, muscles, pelvic floor, including the placenta and uterus. This increased blood flow delivers more nutrients to you and your baby. Pretty simple.

  • Improved Digestion: Many women have digestive issues during pregnancy, including acid reflux, bloating, gas, constipation, and nausea as a result of a baby growing in your abdomen. As the baby grows up into the abdomen it pushes your entire digestive system out of its normal position. The belly massage helps the body adapt to the changes and alleviate many of these challenges.   

  • Oxytocin Release: Now for the fun one! Belly Massage stimulates the release of oxytocin, also known as “the love hormone”. This hormone is released during moments of emotional connection and is stimulated when you massage your belly. Oxytocin creates a bonding and trusting exchange between you and your baby, while reducing the stress and anxiety. Yes, performing belly massage actually strengthens the bond between you and your baby!

Pregnant Belly Massage Techniques

Belly Massage can be performed in as little as five minutes or longer for deeper benefits. You can perform the massage in the morning to check in and connect with your baby. You can also do it in the evening as a self-care ritual that releases oxytocin, helping to promote relaxation and restful sleep for you and your baby.  

Start by laying down on the couch, in your bed – anyplace that’s super comfy. Feel free to dim the lights, put on music, anything that helps you to relax.

Use a good moisturizer that nourishes the skin and helps your hands glide easily around the entire abdomen. Spread it over every soft part of the abdomen as you begin your massage. We created Love Butter Belly Balm for this exact purpose. It’s organic, entirely plant-based and deeply nourishing to the skin without leaving a greasy feeling.

Follow along with our simple tutorial:

Additional Benefits of Massaging Your Pregnant Belly

If you massage regularly your baby will recognize the strokes and may respond by meeting your touch. This is an amazing experience, connecting with one another during pregnancy.

To support deeper connection, consider talking to your baby during the massage, letting them know how you will take care of them and protect them when they arrive.

If your partner wants to give the massage, the baby will learn their touch as well, as they know the difference in the energy of the people who touch them. Partners can bond and connect with the baby before the birth, making the massage something that connects both parties to the baby. 

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